Advancing a Just and Inclusive Culture

The North Sound Collaborative Action Network presents a learning and advocacy interactive webinar series for 2022, Advancing a Just and Inclusive Culture. Each month, we will host a presentation with local and national experts and interactive breakout rooms on topics grounded in equity and vital conditions for our work in the North Sound. Our working groups in the Network, called Cohorts, will be alternating our topics each month and bringing you rich discussion and challenging ideas.

To attend the live webinar, register here and add the Zoom calendar link to your own calendar. The recordings and resources from each month’s session will be added to this collection shortly after the live presentation.

Emergency Preparedness

In November 2022, our Emerging Focus Areas Cohort prepared a discussion on Emergency Preparedness with invited community members to share their first-hand experiences and the ongoing recovery efforts from the record-breaking floods that impacted Whatcom and Skagit counties in 2021. 

Reimagining Data

In October 2022, our Equity Cohort prepared a discussion on Reimagining Data, reimaging how we collect and analyze data to better understand well-being, through community-centered data initiatives and the broader movement around data justice. 

Mobile Integrated Health

In September 2022, our Care Coordination Cohort prepared a discussion on Mobile Integrated Health, which helps community members navigate complex, disconnected, and disorganized systems of care and services as one strategy for meeting patients where they are and providing care in the community.

Reducing Stigma

In July 2022, our Practice Transformation Cohort team prepared a discussion on Reducing Stigma: how can we work together to mitigate and eliminate stigma. We know stigma negatively impacts community members, particularly as they try to navigate systems to support their mental health, sexual health, and/or substance use disorder treatment. In order for people to better access care, we need to reduce stigma

Racial Justice: Acts of Resistance

In June 2022, our Equity Cohort team prepared a discussion on Racial Justice: Acts of Resistance. Featuring the experienced and personal perspectives from Dr. Ramona Beltran, University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work and Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (in)Equality; Michael Tuncap, Chair, Center for Guided Pathways, and Guam Delegation to United Nations; and Enrique Lopez, Chicanx Community Leader in the North Sound. Please review the resources shared by our speakers, and re-watch or share the recording.

Meaningful Work & Wealth

In May 2022, our Vital Conditions team prepared a discussion on Meaningful Work & Wealth, one of the Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being. Featuring national perspectives from Becky Payne of the Rippel Foundation, and Gary Cunningham of Prosperity Now, as well as regional voice Jason McGill of Northwest Youth Services, these panelists brought rich discussion about racial economic justice, and how to frame these concepts to your work. Please review the presentation slides, resources shared by our speakers, and re-watch or share the recording.

Land Back

In April 2022, our Equity team prepared a discussion on Land Back: Beyond Land Acknowledgment to Stewardship, Decolonization, and Reconciliation. The concept of Land Back is an organizing campaign that seeks to return political and economic control of land to Indigenous people. This session featured North Sound ACH Tribal & Community Liaison Michaela Vendiola, and Dr. Kelly Gonzales of the Indigenous Equity Institute. Please review the presentation slides, resources shared by our speakers, and re-watch or share the recording.

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