2024 Learning & Advocacy Series

Join us for the 2024 North Sound Collaborative Action Network Learning Series, an interactive learning and advocacy webinar. Every other month, we host a panel presentation with local experts, community members with lived experience, and members from the Network, to bring you rich discussion and challenging ideas, on topics grounded in equity and vital conditions for our work in the North Sound.

To attend the live webinar, register here and add the Zoom calendar link to your own calendar. The recordings and resources from each month’s session will be added to this collection shortly after the live presentation.

Artistic Dialogues: Healing Communities, Inspiring Activism

In this July 2024 session, we will explore how to use art as a powerful tool for both self-care and activism. Participants will delve into the broader cultural and systemic factors that influence their engagement with art and learn how to integrate art into their work to advocate for social change. By the end of the session, participants should feel more confident in using art for personal well-being and equipped with practical strategies to incorporate art into their work.

Health & the Outdoors

In this session on May 15, 2024 we will explore how our well-being is closely tied to our connection with the outdoors, inspiring them to integrate outdoor experiences into the care we provide in our communities. Through this understanding, we hope attendees will recognize that fostering a meaningful connection to the land cultivates a stronger sense of stewardship and dedication to its conservation.

Birth Equity

Join our first learning session of the year on March 20, 2024 about Birth Equity! In this learning session, we will:

  • Educate our audience on the current state of birth equity in our region

  • Highlight voices in the region doing this work

  • Offer practices that can be implemented at community and organizational levels

This knowledge and learning space was created by IP3 in collaboration with the North Sound ACH. Learn more about Community Commons and reach out to discover how your community, coalition, or collaborative can learn together with a Community Commons Space.

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