Measuring Well-Being
Measuring Well-Being in the North Sound
In partnership with the North Sound ACH, a group of community-based organizations, who are part of the North Sound Collaborative Action Network, have come together to create a path for measuring well-being in our region. The group is part of a Measuring Well-Being community of practice who seek to catalyze change through equitable measurement, centered in community voice and experiences.
The collection of well-being data across our region is a collaborative effort including community-based organizations, public health agencies, philanthropy, healthcare systems, non-profits, government, faith institutions, businesses, community leaders, and changemakers. We want to ensure voices from every corner of our region are included and invite you to join the effort to better understand our region’s well-being.
Browse resources below to learn more about measuring well-being, take the survey, access materials to conduct the survey in your region, and learn more about how you can host and participate in upcoming community dialogues.

We’re coming together to explore what helps our communities thrive—and what barriers hold them back. This groundbreaking initiative brings voices from public health, community organizations, healthcare, philanthropy, and beyond to co-create a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish. Be part of the movement to amplify the voices that matter most.
Together, we can create a region where everyone thrives!
Measuring well-being can help us understand the levels of thriving, struggling, and suffering in our community, as well as catalyze change and assess our progress toward reducing suffering and struggling. The well-being measures provide a self-reported and highly responsive complement to regular community needs assessments and other population health indicators that can take years to reflect change.
Learn about the Well-Being Survey with this overview document.
Learn about the Well-Being Survey with this list of FAQs.
Access the full Well-Being Survey Toolkit here! The survey materials are now in English, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Russian.
Contact to request additional languages for the promotional material. You can also ask Matt for a unique organizational survey link to measure well-being!
These community well-being dialogues are a step toward understanding what creates well-being and supports a community-wide sense of belonging. We want to surface experiences and insights on how our region can begin to reimagine strategies and opportunities to ensure greater well-being and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Building relationships and bridging differences begins with holding brave space, really hearing each other’s experiences, and being understood. Change happens when we all feel like we belong enough to co-create an even better future for everyone who calls the North Sound region home.
Why Measure Well-Being?
Measuring well-being can help us understand the levels of thriving, struggling, and suffering in our community, as well as catalyze change and assess our progress toward reducing suffering and struggling. The well-being
measures provide self-reported and highly responsive complement to regular community needs assessments and other population health indicators that can take years to reflect change.
Who is supporting the well-being data collection?
In partnership with the North Sound ACH, a group of community-based organizations, who are part of the North Sound Collaborative Action Network, have come together to create a path for measuring well-being in our region. The group is part of a Measuring Well-Being community of practice who seek to catalyze change through equitable measurement, centered in community voice and experiences.
The collection of well-being data across our region is a collaborative effort including community-based organizations, public health agencies, philanthropy, healthcare systems, non-profits, government, faith institutions, businesses, community leaders, and changemakers. We want to ensure voices from every corner of our region are included and invite you to join the effort to better understand our region’s well-being.
How is well-being measured in the North Sound?
Well-being can be measured through an easy-to-use, self-report survey. The survey takes approximately six minutes to complete. We use Cantril’s self-evaluation scale to measure well-being. Cantril’s Ladder questions ask us to think about our lives now and our lives five years from now, measuring both current well-being and an individual’s expectation of well-being five years in the future.
Cantril’s Ladder measures are paired with a short series of additional health and well-being questions that explore additional influences on well-being (i.e., physical, mental, and financial health; a sense of belonging; and loneliness). A series of demographic questions are also included to support understanding of the different starting points for community members and communities across the North Sound region.
Who will be asked to participate in the well-being survey?
The Measuring Well-Being community of practice is currently shaping a regional well-being survey, beginning with national best practices and adapting it for regional needs. The survey is being introduced among a small group of community of practice partners beginning July 2024 and a region-wide effort will be launched mid August 2024. All organizations are welcome to partner in outreach for the North Sound Regional Well-Being Survey and all community members are encouraged to add their voice by completing a survey.
Where can I access the well-being survey?
You can complete the North Sound Well-Being Survey here. Printed copies of the North Sound Well-Being Survey are also available. Please contact Matt Main at to coordinate pick up, drop off, or mailing.
In what languages is the well-being survey currently available?
The well-being survey is currently available in English and Spanish.
Will there be a region-wide collection of well-being data?
Region-wide outreach and collection of the North Sound Well-Being Survey will launch mid August, 2024.
How will the data be shared?
The region’s well-being results, related themes, and community aspirations will be shared publicly (anticipated early 2025). The findings will be made available through multiple channels, including the North Sound ACH website, a virtual community session, and North Sound Collaborative Action Network convening. We look forward to coming together to share what has been learned, and explore opportunities for taking action together.
For more information contact Matt Main, Community and Impact Evaluation Specialist

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