North Sound Community Action Network
About the North Sound ACH Resource Library
North Sound Accountable Community of Health (ACH) is a nonprofit organization that leads the region’s movement to advance equitable well-being. We provide an independent voice, strategically convene partners around common goals and collective action, and place information into the hands of practitioners and communities. Our organization’s roles include:
- Bringing health and well being into current and new conversations. We are looking to collaborate with partners in transportation, education, housing, agriculture, food systems, anti-poverty, criminal justice, social justice and more.
- Promoting equity. To serve communities, we have embarked on a tribal and equity learning journey, together with our Board of directors and contracted partner organizations.
- Providing policy leadership with a systems perspective. North Sound ACH works for systems level change, in order to enhance the physical, emotional and social conditions where people can thrive.
- Shifting the health care paradigm. As our health care systems improve and transform, North Sound ACH’s work will help others take action to move beyond traditional clinical care and into communities where health happens everyday.
Learn more about North Sound ACH at https://northsoundach.org/.
North Sound ACH developed our Resource Library with the Institute for People, Place, & Possibility and Community Initiatives Network. This platform is a Community Commons Space.
Why do we have this website?
The North Sound ACH Board of Directors developed a series of themes to reimagine the North Sound ACH role in advancing equitable well-being after the Medicaid Transformation Project ends. One of these themes expands the North Sound ACH’s existing expertise as a technical assistance provider and trusted convenor to build a resource repository.
This website, or Resource Library, is how the North Sound ACH is making resources available to partners and community members across the region.
What do you consider a “resource”?
We recognize that resources live in many forms: people, places, traditions, reports, webinars, videos, podcasts, checklists, tools, and more.
This Resource Library is designed to make the wisdom, innovations, and best practices that already exist in North Sound accessible–and to link North Sound resources to national frameworks and thought partners.
What do you mean by “knowledge management”?
Knowledge management describes how we organize our resources on this Resource Library. We want to make it easy for you to find what you need when you need it.
Knowledge management is both a science and an art. The data infrastructure that happens behind the scenes is grounded in best practices from library science and web design. We use a more creative approach when we organize resources to tell stories and make connections.
The North Sound ACH staff team works closely with the Institute for People, Place, and Possibility (IP3) and Community Initiatives Network to practice knowledge management by curating content, or identifying resources, to meet the needs of partners.
How was the Resource Library developed?
The Resource Library is designed by and for the North Sound ACH community. In 2020, the North Sound ACH staff team, IP3, and Community Initiatives hosted a series of dialogues, engaging 33 partners from 24 organizations. We used feedback from these sessions, alongside best practices in the field, to design this platform.
What did you hear from partners during the dialogue sessions?
North Sound ACH partners do NOT want a static resource list with too much content that makes it hard to find what you need.
North Sound ACH partners do want an easy-to-use place to find reports, webinars, stories, and connections that will grow and evolve as their needs change.
What is on the Resource Library?
Right now, the Resource Library includes resources previously hosted on the North Sound ACH website, best practices resources from the partner reporting portal, and selected resources from Community Commons.
How is the Resource Library different from the North Sound ACH website?
The North Sound ACH website has content about the ACH, including the history of the organization, board of directors, and staff members. The North Sound ACH website will continue to feature blog posts, events, and governance documents. If you are looking for more information about the ACH, the website is the place to visit.
How is the Resource Library different from Community Commons?
Community Commons is a national knowledge management platform designed to support the movement for thriving together. Resources from communities, organizations, and national networks are available on the Commons, which means 1,000+ reports, stories, videos, and podcasts in many categories.
The North Sound ACH Resource Library is connected to Community Commons through a shared database. All the resources available on the North Sound platform are also available on Community Commons.
When we designed the North Sound ACH Resource Library, we decided to create a Community Commons Spaces (CC Spaces). Instead of sharing all of the Community Commons resources, we are curating specific content that will meet the needs of North Sound partners and reflect the region’s priorities.
How do I use the Resource Library?
The Resource Library is designed for easy searching. You can type in keywords to help find what you need.
We also have categories to help you explore content in one specific area. For example, if you want to learn more about humane housing, you can select that category to find all resources related to humane housing in one spot.
How can I recommend a resource to add to the libraary?
We have a simple resource submission form for you to submit a resource to the platform. Please complete the form below.
North Sound ACH staff members will review submitted resources and make them available on the Resource Library.
What do I do if I can’t find a resource that meets my needs?
If you can’t find a resource you need, let us know. As we work to expand the knowledge management platform, it’s helpful to know what’s missing. Email us at: team@northsoundach.org.
You can also explore the main Community Commons knowledge management platform. It’s easy to search by topics or keywords on the Commons, too.
Can I share the Resource Library with other partners?
Yes! Please share this link with colleagues and friends. We want this resource to be relevant and useful to the region.